Ignite > Academic

Covered Area: Online Worldwide
Phone: 802.793.4459
Email: robert@igniteacademic.coach
Address: 1327 Milvia St. Suite 3
Berkeley, CA 94709

Light a match with the perfect tutor from our global team of real-world subject-matter experts!
We’ll help you strike a spark of authentic curiosity — or feed an intellectual flame that’s already burning.
Whether you’re crafting a personal essay, fine-tuning your course selections or just prepping for a standardized test, we bring fire and urgency from beyond the classroom to any academic subject.

College prep can be so much more than a series of hoops to jump through!
But since we all have to jump through some hoops, we might as well set them on fire!
Book your free 15-minute video consult in seconds, or go ahead and take up to 25% off our hourly rate with a Firewood Bundle and code CPG10.
If it’s not a great match, get your money back no questions asked, plus we’ll help you find a provider near your who’s a better fit for your unique needs and goals.